How to pass the Databricks Lakehouse fundamentals Accreditation?

Databricks lakehouse fundamentals Accreditation

Number of questions : 20

Type of questions : Multiple choice questions

Duration : 20min

Cost  : Free

Retry : Unlimited

Passing score : 80%

Where to register for the certification :  Databricks Academy

If you are a partner = Link

If you are a customer = Link

Expiration : 1 year

Topics covered :

  • Databricks SQL
  • Databricks Lakehouse platform
  • Databricks Data Engineering and Data Science Workspace
  • Databricks Machine Learning

How to prepare for the certification:

  1. Databricks Lakehouse Course :
  • What’s Databricks Machine Learning ? => Link
  • What’s Data Science and Engineering Workspace ? => Link
  • What’s Databricks SQL ? => Link
  • What’s the Databricks Lakehouse Platform ? => Link
  1. Managed mlflow : Link
  2. Delta Lake: Link
  3. Workspace assets : Link
  4. Navigate the workspace: Link
  5. Databricks Machine Learning : Link
  6. Databricks runtime : Link
  7. Introduction to databricks AutoMl : Link
  8. Introduction to Feature Store : Link
  9. Introduction to Databricks SQL : Link
  10. Introduction to the medallion architecture : Link
  11. Add Users and  groups to workspace : Link
  12. Databricks Compliance : Link

Minimally Qualified Candidate :

  • Databricks SQL
  • Databricks Machine Learning 
  • Databricks Workspace

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